
Grottini Communication

Via Santa Maria in Potenza

62017 Porto Recanati (MC) - ITALY

Tel. +39.071.7592608


If you are interested in receiving more information about us or have any queries please send as an email or fill the form beside.
We will attend to your request as soon as we can.

* = Dati obbligatori

Informative of Legislative Decree 196/2003 - Personal data protection

According to the Italian law 196, 30 June 2003, regarding privacy and personal data protection, we inform you that the personal information you provide us by completing the present form is subject to treatment by GROTTINI COMMUNICATION srl with respect to the above mentioned law, making use of the proper tools and instruments necessary to guarantee the security and the privacy of the data. 
We wish to remind you that the completion of this form is voluntary and that your personal data will be processed for promotional and advertising purposes, for marketing  activities, as well as providing a source of customer satisfaction feedback. 
The data could be processed in Italy, and in other countries. At any time, you may exercise the rights guaranteed in Law 196/2003, i.e. to know, to obtain the confirmation, the erasure, the up-dating, the amendment and the integration of your personal data. You may also contest its use for any legitimate reason.
Owner of the above mentioned data processing is GROTTINI COMMUNICATION srl, Zona Ind.le – S. Maria in Potenza  - Porto Recanati (MC), Italy.


I have been informed about the processing of my personal data by GROTTINI COMMUNICATION srl,  (as provided by the law 196/03) and about the rights guaranteed by the said law. 
Filling in and sending this form, I give my consent for the processing of my personal data, for the purposes above mentioned in the informative note.

Join Us

Grottini Communication is a talent seeker.
We look for people with outgoing attitude, brilliant and quick mind, keen on innovative challenges, commitment.
We create the best conditions for professional and personal growth, for cooperation and synergies, for anyone to give the most valuable contribution.

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